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Poem of Motivation

Just One


One can song spark a moment,

One flower can wake the dream

One tree can start a forest,

One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,

One handclasp lifts a soul.

One star can a ship at sea,

One word can frame the goal

One vote can change a nation,

One sunbeam lights a room

One candle wipes out darkness,

One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey.

One word must start each prayer.

One hope will raise our spirits,

One touch can show you .

One voice can speak with wisdom,

One heart can know what's true,

One life can make a difference,You see, it's up to you

Start where you Stand - Berton Braley

Start where you stand and never mind the past,
The past won't help you in beginning new,
If you have left it all behind at last
Why,that's enough, you're done with it, you're through;
This is another chapter in the book,
This is another race that you have planned,
Don't give the vanished days a backward look,
Start where you stand.
The world won't care about your old defeats
If you can start anew and win success;
The future is your time, and time is flee
And there is much of work and strain and stress;
Forget the buried woes and dead despairs,
Here is a brand-new trial right at hand,
The future is for him who does and dares,
Start where you stand.

about me

Minha foto
Bem-vindos ao meu Blog! É com muita satisfação que compartilho com vocês algo. Eu me chamo Mônica, moro em Boston Ma, sou Formada em Letras . Porém, fui professora durante 12 anos no Brasil. E atualmente tenho uma escola de Educação Infantil aqui na América que é minha grande paixão! Aqui no meu cantinho vocês encontrarão sugestões que espero serem úteis. O que não é de minha autoria receberão os devidos créditos do autor. Espero que você goste e que meu blog seja útil a você. Welcome to my Blog! We are very pleased to share with you all about Literacy. My name is Monica, live Boston Ma, I graduated in Letters. However, I was a teacher for 12 years in Brazil. And now I have a school of early childhood education here in America that is my passion! Here in my little corner you will find suggestions for activities, projects, informational text and the Arts to be applied to your school which is not of my own will receive due credit for the author. I hope you enjoy and that my blog is useful to you

sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010

Steps to a Happy Day

To have a happy day follow some steps:
Wake up well with life!
Give a beautiful smile!
Reach out to someone unknown!
Praise the work of his friend!
Read good book !
Enjoy nature and all that God created .
Listen a beautiful music.
Follow these steps and you will see how your day will be much happier

life example to follow

Jesus Christ

Madre Teresa de Calcuta

Have a happy day

Most people live in imaginary problems are always around with thoughts of low self-esteem. They complain of the body , , employment, home of our neighbor's brother's neighbor and then keep their lives immersed in an ocean of regrets.

Not passing through their heads that these thoughts attract real situations of hardship and suffering, let alone think they are vitiating the atmosphere with negative fluid and weighed. These fluids, which are added at each other, and can feed on more negative thoughts increasing its volume, and help others to have more negative thoughts, closing a vicious circle.

Day of seeking an image for a job I came across a picture which had already seen on another occasion.

Photo shows that this selfishness planetarium, in which we live underwater, where only we have problems and difficulties we experience, where no one is more unfortunate than us.

The scene is this picture a totally malnourished children in Ethiopia, in a field all bent due to lack of strength to walk or exert any effort and two feet away a vulture waiting for her to lose all strength to then serve.

Describe is not as shocking as the image, but experience is far superior to see or describe. In this context I thought that my problems really are?

What is the butter that I do not like?

What I do not eat food ?

My bed is too hard?

I have no clothes?

What it is missing in my life?

When we can even for a few seconds taking their eyes off of me so that I, realize with surprise that most of the time, our problems are imaginary.

We realized that we would like to be able to read this text, as millions do not know what is internet, thank you for knowing how to read, because many do not know a, b, c.

Until we learn not to worship the reincarnated me, but to help each other, we sink a thousand times.

You may be wondering well, but the title of the text was to start the happy days, where the motivating words?

If you are thinking about it, you do not pay any attention to your day, you're a privileged person, for all you have and what you can do, and your days will be happier, from the moment you begin to spread happiness.

You can believe that.

Make light the light will illuminate your path, make shadow and darkness make you lose you in mourning.

Problems are those hideous monsters that we see ourselves when we take the eyes of our neighbors.

Make someone happy today, because tomorrow you could be next. Do this, and all your days will be extremely happy.

About the Author

Self-taught and researcher in quantum physics, Philosophy, Parapsychology and Marketing

sexta-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2010

The Road Not Taken

by Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I long I stood
And looked down oncould not travel both
And be one traveler, e as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, just as fair
,And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads to way
,I doubted if I should ever come back.
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
-I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

Great thinkers

"There is no one, even without culture, it does not become a poet when Love takes care of him."
"There is nothing good or bad unless these two things: the wisdom that is a good and ignorance is evil."
"The essential thing to a man is to recognize the use must do your own knowledge."


"To get the friendship of a worthy person must develop in ourselves the qualities that we admire."

"I just know that I know nothing"

"The friend should be like money, whose value we know before we need it"

domingo, 14 de fevereiro de 2010

Great Thinkers

Dalai Lama

"If you want to change the world, first try to promote their personal development and achieve breakthroughs in their midst."

"There is only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live. "

"Live a good, honorable life. So when you get older and think back, able to enjoy it a second time. "

"Until the sun do not shine, light a candle in the darkness"

"Do not correct our faults is the same as committing new errors"

"Until the sun do not shine, light a candle in the darkness"


Receive a new day and make it a happy day is a task our unique and exclusive.
our God always gives us that opportunity. Let us be wise to understand and thus act intelligently to conquer our HAPPY DAY!